Key Initiatives

training at makerspace

Discover hands-on learning opportunities through our Makerspace training programs, "Makers in Education" and "Maker Studio 1." Located in the 1819 Innovation Hub, these immersive programs offer practical experiences in 3D printing, laser cutting and digital fabrication under the guidance of expert instructors.

Makers in Education

1819 learning lab

We invite in-service teachers to apply for a two-week intensive at the UC Ground Floor Makerspace followed by an optional six weeks of free membership. Through hands-on, maker-centered learning, this program fosters the maker mindset of in-service teachers as a force multiplier in STEM and STEAM education.

The makerspace intensive will harness teachers' existing experiences while giving them new skills to design and create projects of personal significance. Participating teachers will leave with enhanced confidence, skills, resources and ideas to nurture the maker culture in their classrooms.

This free makerspace intensive exists to build a self-sustaining community of practice for makers in STEAM education across Greater Cincinnati.

  • Free program: Includes UC Ground Floor Makerspace access, workshops, parking and daily lunch.
  • Immersive experience: Learn techniques for 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC routing.
  • Selective program: Participants are chosen through a competitive selection process.
  • Stipend: Receive $250 after completion of program requirements.
  • Free makerspace access: Six weeks of free UC Ground Floor Makerspace access after the program concludes. 
  • Educational application product: Participants are guided through creating classroom-ready projects and curricula.
  • Workshops on making pedagogies: Lessons focused on teaching methods utilizing maker-centered learning.

Thank you to our partners!

Greater Cincinnati STEM Collaborative logo
Ohio STEM Learning Network logo

Group shot of people in the 1819 Makerspace

Maker Studio 1: PD1180C 

1819 learning lab

This seven-week, hands-on course introduces you to makerspace tools and techniques, providing practice with 3D printing, laser cutting and digital fabricating. This class meets once a week but by the end, you’ll probably wish it met every day — it's that engaging!

You’ll gain the know-how and equipment certifications to chart your desired innovative path — and you'll have fun while doing so.

Upon completing Maker Studio 1, you’ll be prepared to take visionary ideas from concept to creation:

  • Master the principles behind modern digital fabrication technologies.
  • Understand the terminology and application of basic computer-aided design including its role in efficiently developing and iterating prototypes.
  • Gain proficiency with entry-level words and applications of digital fabrication technologies such as laser cutting, 3D printing and CNC machining including safe handling practices.
  • Develop effective communication and critical thinking skills through group projects and discussion to compare and select different prototyping methods.
  • Explore cross-cultural communication and collaboration to prepare you for today's global workplace.

This course is open to all UC students with no course prerequisites required.

Anyone, regardless of major or year, is welcome. All you need is a little creativity and a desire to add some excitement to your class schedule. Enroll in PD1180C to unlock the power of UC’s Ground Floor Makerspace.

  • Location: 1819 Innovation Hub, located in the Cincinnati Innovation District
  • Classroom: Ground Floor Makerspace
  • Course day and time: Fridays, 10:00–11:50 a.m.
  • Transportation: UC Shuttle app, Innovation District route

students in makers student 1