women  listening to lecture


Explore Your Early-Stage, Scalable Business Concept

You have an idea for a novel product that you think may have big potential.

Now what..?

UC Venture Lab helps you figure it out. We offer a 9-week program that explores the commercial potential of your product or service concept by answering questions such as, what Problem is your product really solving? Who is your actual Customer? Is there space in the Market? Along the way, we provide access to industry & market knowledge, Entrepreneur-in-Residence mentors, networks, resources, and important skills you need.

The program culminates in Graduation Day, when you get 5 minutes to make a big impression on an audience of the local startup community, who may provide the connections and expertise you need to take your idea to startup reality.

 There is no cost to individuals to take part in this program, which meets one day each week over eight weeks at UC's 1819 Innovation Hub. Seats in each cohort are limited, so admission is competitive. But applying is easy!

Important Dates: Cohort 26

Session Begins: Friday, April 5, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Additional Sessions: Fridays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Graduation Date: Friday, May 17 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Post-grad info session: TBD